Sunday, September 22, 2019

Review of the text "Naming Traditions"

Naming Traditions

     Naming traditions in some countries is sometimes different. In South Korea, the naming traditions for the wife’s name replaced by the name of the husband like South Korea President Kim Young Sam and his wife referred to Mrs. Kim. Name of President Kim Young Sam’s wife actually is Sohn Myong Suk. And the real name should be Mrs. Sohn. In Korea, surnames was comes before the given name. Korea customs given impression that Korea was not as important to him as Japan.

     Addition for Korea, include husbands and wives in other Asian, do not share the same surnames include Cambodians, Chinese, Hmong, and Vietnamese. That practice confused the teacher when English speaking with pupil’s parents. They becomes confusion about correctly the last name. Also the number of names a person has changed with the culture. Koreans and Chinese use three names: the Vietnamese can use up to four. Placing the surnames common the first of Asian cultures for example, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodian, and Chinese. This is reversed from American system’s placing the surnames become causes confusion.

     The surnames in Mexico also differ. When a woman was married, her still use maiden name. However, adds the word de then husband’s name in the last her names, like Tino Martinez and Maria Gonzales after married Maria name becomes Maria Gonzales de Martinez. And if they have a child for example Tino and Maria child the name is Anita becomes Anita Martino Gonzales. This affects how they in the fill out forms in the United States.

     Mexico applicants usually write their mother’s names in the last their names, they generally write their father’s name in the last their names. In the United States, Mexico naming is in the last name with their mother’s name. This is do not same with customs their name. They called their name by father family names. This is often becomes causes confusion.

               There are several ways to avoid embarrassment and offense:
a.     Don’t assume that married woman always use their husband’s name in their last name.
b.     Remember that in many traditions in Asian. The sequence of first and last names is reversed.
c.     In the Latin traditions, males prefer to use their father surname, which is often filled in on the forms as a middle name.
d.     Ask the person whose name prefers to be used. If the name is difficult to pronounce, ask the person to help you say it correctly.

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