Sunday, September 29, 2019

About my opinion

Do people like their first names?

       There are almost people who don’t like it when we call them by their first name. Maybe they don’t like to be called by their first name for a number of reasons. First, because maybe they don’t like their first name and prefer to be called by their last name. Second, maybe their first name is often the subject of ridicule from people so they don’t want called by their first name. Third, it could also be because their first name is the same as their friend’s first name, so instead of being dizzy it is better to be called by their last name so they don’t get confused when calling out a friend’s name.

       Other think that why their parents named them after that. Actually the name of the parents is the best name for them. Indeed when we are not adults we often blame others for something, but when we grow up we will understand why the name is use for our names.

        “A lot of people go through  their teen years where they don’t like their name as part of their attention to their identity and what other people think of them” according to Cleveland Kent Evans, an associate professor of psychology at Bellevue University. “But I think for most people these feelings subside by the time they are in their 30s”, he said. Evans and other psychologists say, go through life with a favorable view of their names. (Adapted from The Columbus Dispatch).

        In essence, each name is prayer, grace, and blessing. Every name must have a meaning and that meaning must lead to goodness. I myself have a desire, if I have a daughter 😁 I want to give the name “Sheiva Humaira (father’s last name)” and with the nickname “Iva” taken from Sheiva and at the last name with the father’s last name. I want to give the name Sheiva Humaira because actually I really like the name ‘Humaira’, I don’t know why I really like that name.

       Meanwhile, if I have a son 😀 I want to give the name “Riffat Hanafi (father’s last name)” with the nickname “Afi” taken from Hanafi and at the last name with the father’s last name. There is no reason why I want to give that name. Only in my opinion the name Riffat Hanafi is a name that is rarely used by most people.

       Then, there are my three favorite English names for males is Emil, Kent, and Freddy. While, three favorite English names for females is Agatha, Haura, and Rhiana.

        And the last, if I can change my name I want 😕…. . Actually, I like my name but I want to add the letter Z to my name, more precisely “Azzahra” not “Azahra” and also I want to add one more word at the end of my name, that is by name…. “Nuriska” and if I can change my name. My name become is “Aisyah Azzahra Nuriska”. 

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