Thursday, October 15, 2020


    You must already know and are familiar with the word sociolinguistics.  Sociolinguistics in English consists of the words "socio" and "linguistic".  According to Coates (1993: 4), sociolinguistics is a study that discusses the relationship between language use and social order (society).  Sociolinguistics studies or analyzes all aspects related to language and society.  Sociolinguistics as the study of language in its relation to social relations (society) results that sociolinguistics is part of linguistics (Hudson, 1980: 4).  Alwasilah (1990: 2) argues that sociolinguistics is used to examine all perspectives from language use that have a relationship with social functions and cultural functions.  The things at issue in sociolinguistics include: who speaks (writes), the variety of languages ​​(uses what language), when, and for what purpose (Pateda, 1987: 3).  Sociolinguistics is analyzing the relationship between language use and the social world, more specifically sociolinguistics studies how language processes in the social environment and creates social structures.

And in essence, sociolinguistics is a language study or language research that studies or discusses the relationship between language use and social (society) rules.

       Sociolinguistics estimates that social life has many patterns and behaviors associated with it and some of them are linguistic (Spolsky, 1998: 3).  Sociolinguistics estimates or assumes: 1) Each language has its own variety of languages ​​(has its own variations), 2) Has a dialect or accent that also varies, 3) the way people speak (human speech) also varies depending on who they speak or  communicating, 4) language has a very close relationship with social systems and social structures, and 5) language is a system that is closely related to the characteristics of its owner and also the sociocultural values ​​of its speakers.

         According to Hudson (1996), sociolinguistics shows how clusters in a particular society are separated by social variables such as religion, status, ethnicity, age, gender, and education level and how the compliance of these community groups to variables used to classify individuals in social class.  When we learn about language, we study it with all the problems related to language such as relationship style, users, time and socioculture.  That's why the phenomenon of sociolinguistics cannot be separated from the science that talks about teaching language.

        Sociolinguistics has three approaches: (1) de Saussure approach.  (2) the approach pioneered by William Labov which emphasizes language variation.  And (3) language attitudes.  There are two main studies on sociolinguistics, namely Micro sociolinguistics and Macro sociolinguistics.  in micro-sociolinguistics, his study is focused on the study of language phenomena in the social sphere which is denoted by micro-factors, and the context of interpersonal communication.  And Macro sociolinguistics discusses the phenomenon of sociolinguistics including population, broader variables, language distribution and others.


Abdurrahman. (2011). SOSIOLINGUISTIK: TEORI, PERAN, DAN  FUNGSINYA TERHADAP KAJIAN BAHASA SASTRA.  Lingua: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 3(1), 18-37. doi: 10.18860/ling.v3i1.571

Faizin HS, A. (2015). SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Mabasan, 9(2), 66-73.


Silberstein, S. (2018). Sociolinguistics. The Cambridge Guide To Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages, 100-106. doi: 10.1017/cbo9780511667206.015

Thank you for reading my writing, hopefully what I write can be useful for you^-^

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