Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Component of Article of Journal

Hello everyone, How are you? I hope you’re all well😇

This time, I’ll explain about the component of article of journal, also expound analysis results from the component of article of journal that had been read by me. And the title is…

Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Text Structure Tasks
Abdul Rohman
Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University 

       Reading skill is one of the four main language skills taught in the classes of the English Department of Faculty of Education of Islamic University of Malang (FKIP Unisma). The topic of this research was conducted to find out how texts structure tasks can improve the students’ reading comprehension. This research was using a classroom action research. It comprised four phases: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subject of the research were the four semester students of the English Department of FKIP Unisma in 2006 academic year. The primary finding of this research is the test result showed that the students’ mean score was 75.88 and the lowest score the students obtained was 65. The action was considered successful if the students’ mean score reached 75 or under the category B+, and the lowest score the students obtain was not less than 65.

Introduction/Literature Review
          Reading is one language skill, and in this research reading skills are enhanced by understanding the text structure. In English, a text structure is usually has a built-in “map” or something that can give directions to the readers, so that the readers know how the idea in a text is interrelated in transmitting its message to a reader. Some may consider the thought of ideas in a text to be important, but others suggest that they are somehow less important. The foundation for successful construction meaning is with conceptual knowledge, text structure knowledge, and knowledge of text processing strategies. Then, there is another way to increase our comprehension of reading students’ is by doing text structure tasks. Why tasks? And the most important past findings on this topic is based on one research done by Gordon & Hanauer (1955) show that testing tasks function as an additional information source which interacts in one four ways with the continuing development of the test taker’s mental mode: (a) integrating new information into a existing information structure; (b) constructing new information structure; (c) confirming an existing information structure; and (d) newly integrating existing information structure.

         This research was categorized as Classroom Action Research (CAR), because this research was focused on the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. This action made to improve the students’ reading comprehension skill through text structure tasks. Two observers were needed to observe the class, because to avoid subjectivity in data collection. One observer observed the students’ activities and the other observer observed the teacher’s activity during the classroom instruction. The research was conducted at the English Department of FKIP Unisma which is located at Jalan MT. Haryono 193 Malang. The researcher was one of the teachers of the English program of Unisma; therefore he was familiar with this program. The subjects of this research were the fourth semester students who were taking reading IV. This research was using the fourth semester students for the subjects because they often complained that the new students did not have even moderate English background. This research was using qualitative method by observed the students’ activities and the teacher’s activity in the classroom.

        The teacher may use a wide range of procedures in presenting the reading materials in the classroom, such as Pre-Reading and Whilst-Reading Stage. (1) Pre-Reading. There were three activities that the teacher did in this stage. First, opening the lesson, the teacher usually did that by greeting the students by saying “Good Morning or Good Afternoon”. Second, checking the students’ attendance, to spend the time efficiently the teacher usually asked the captain who were absent. Third, activating the students’ schemata is the main part of the pre-reading stage. According to Vacca & Vacca (2005), schemata activation is the mechanism by which the students access what they know and match it to the information in the text. (2) Whilst-Reading Stage. There are some activities are done in the whilst-reading stage. First of all, the teacher passes out copies of question concerning to the text structure. The second time is for the students to identify the signal words. And then the discussion goes on to text structure identification. a) Step One. Asking type of writing the writer use. b) Step Two. Asking the students to find the way the writer organizes the text. c) Step Three. Asking the students to find how the text is developed. d) Step Four. Asking the students to work in pair and find how the idea is classified into groups. e) Step Five. Asking the students to find what the main idea of paragraph is. This task is asking the students read paragraph by paragraph and asking the students to find the main idea of each paragraph. f) Step Six. Asking the students to find how each paragraph is related to each other. g) Post-Reading Stage. In the post-reading stage, comprehension question are used as post test. This is done to reinforce the skill or knowledge gained in the lesson. This post test is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy the teacher uses, and to emphasizing the main points of the teaching.

   Text Structure Tasks which are prepared can improve the English students’ reading comprehension skill of Unisma. It is shown by the increasing students’ mean score 67.65 in pre-test to 75.88 in post-test. There are six steps done to improve the students’ reading comprehension through text structure tasks. That is: 1) asking the students the type of writing the writer  uses; 2) asking the students to find the way the writer organizes the text; 3) asking the students to find how the text is developed; 4) asking the students to work in pair and find how the idea is classified into groups; 5) asking the students to find what the main idea of paragraph is; and 6) asking the students to find how each paragraph is related to each other.

If you’re want to read the original article of journal, you can click the link below ⇣⇣⇣’_Reading_Comprehension_Through_Text_Structure_Tasks 

Thank You for Reading 😉

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