Wednesday, November 20, 2019

English learning methods

Learning Methods in Learning English ^-^

Learning method is one of the strategies or ways used by teachers in the learning process with the aim that the learning process goes well. There are many methods in learning English. However, here I will discuss 4 methods in learning English, which are as follows:

1.   Grammar Translation Method (GTM) 
    Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is a method that emphasizes grammar. Here the teacher will teach or explain learning material about grammar with formulas, then teach the grammar in writing, reading and vocabulary in English.

2.  Audio-Lingual Method
        Audio-Lingual Method is English learning methods where the teacher practices a short dialogue whose meaning or intent is not yet known by students. Then the teacher gives instructions to students to follow the short dialogue and students must guess the purpose of the dialogue based on dialogue poses, expressions, and other things practiced by the teacher.

3. Silent Way 
       In the learning process that uses the silent way method, the teacher points to a rod that has a vowel consonant. Then the teacher gives examples in their pronunciation and appoints students to pronounce them correctly. In this learning method the teacher does not explain much, and only direct the learning material.

4. Total Physical Response (TPR)
          In the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, the teacher does several activities. For example sitting, walking, holding the nose, or reading. Before the teacher does the activity, he or she gives orders to himself or herself with instructions in English. Then give orders to students with the same orders as before. Then in this case the teacher does not the activity, he or she only gives instructions.

                   Next, if I become a teacher later. God willing 😇, I will use several methods of learning English above. In the teaching and learning process, the first thing I want to use is the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Because, in my opinion the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) learning method is important where the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) method teaches how to grammar in English using formulas. But I don’t always want to use the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Might also be able to change every week or every two weeks with other methods such as Total Physical Response (TPR).

           Total Physical Response (TPR) is an English learning method but is more relaxed when compared to the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) learning method. The Total Physical Response (TPR) method makes students not too bored with the process of learning English in class, because the Total Physical Response (TPR) method is like learning while playing. 

                    I also want to practice the students’ listening and speaking skills with the Audio-Lingual Method learning. Listening to short dialogue helps train students’ listening abilities, as well as following or repeating dialogue spoken by the teacher, students learn to speak English, so they can practice their speaking skills. Maybe it’s some method that I want to use in the teaching and learning process later.

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