Monday, December 16, 2019

"Strategies of Teaching Professional Vocabulary in Professional English"

Strategies of Teaching Professional Vocabulary in Professional English

This time, I will share the results of my analysis of the problems in learning English. Here get a journal entitled “Techniques of Teaching Professional Vocabulary with Special Reference to Vocabulary used in Media”. This journal emphasizes professional vocabulary, meaning vocabulary which in learning uses specific strategies or techniques. The problem here is student confusion due to lack of clear knowledge about professional vocabulary. This journal also discusses the importance of professional English vocabulary.

What is professional vocabulary? Professional vocabulary is a professional vocabulary that has a requirement that is vocabulary which is part of applied linguistics, but with the principles of its own terminologies theory. And has its own applied goals. Then, the importance of professional English vocabulary. Professional English is a special form of English that allows students to meet their urgent English language needs in certain vocations or professions. Professional English is different from general English. Where in professional English has professional vocabulary, consisting of vocabulary or special techniques of words and jargon. Based on the definition of the Oxford learner dictionary, jargon is “words or expressions used by people of certain professions or groups of people, and difficult for others to understand (p.693)”.

Furthermore, the strategy in teaching professional vocabulary. Usually the strategy used in teaching vocabulary is to use memorization strategies. But here, there are several strategies for teaching or learning vocabulary, namely using dictionaries, semantic mapping, deduction of meaning from context, affiliation, learning words to flash cards, word puzzles and reading comprehension. There are various advantages to using this strategy in vocabulary teaching. The use of dictionaries is an independent way of vocabulary teaching. Semantic mapping provides a visual that represents the relationship between words, this is an effective strategy in teaching vocabulary that makes students compare and distinguish words from the same category. The affiliation process helps students learn to define key vocabulary concepts with a focus on the word part. Learning vocabulary using flash cards is one of the easiest strategies in teaching vocabulary, using pictures can improve the learning process and make students find words. Then the most interesting vocabulary strategy is the word puzzle strategy. Reading comprehension is also a teaching strategy that is widely used because it can enable students to get information from texts that help explain the meaning of words or groups of words.

The most important key of all strategies is that if more students are exposed to words that are stronger in their understanding of words and their meanings, they will give many opportunities for students to use them, both verbally and in writing. The strategies or activities above are contrary to learning that uses memorization strategies. Because rote strategy is considered as a very old and conventional learning strategy. Through professional vocabulary learning strategies students can get more words in a fast or limited period. Can also prepare students if they have to use professional English in urgent situations.

       Sarifa, N. (2018). International Journal of Linguistics, Literature & Translation. 1(4).
DOI: 10.32996/ijllt.2018.1.4.6

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Problems in Speaking English

     In this discussion, I will discuss problems about the difficulties experienced by students in learning to speak English at the high school level. Speaking is one of the most important aspects in English. Because in a conversation that requires speaking skills. English is recognized as the first official international foreign language and is taught at elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and university levels. English has an important function in Indonesia, as international communication is also needed to get a job place, or science and technology. Therefore, we must master English.

     Based on the journal that I read, students have difficulty in speaking English that is due to lack of vocabulary, difficulty in phrases or grammatical and difficult to find ideas that fit the topic. Then the problem faced by students in learning to speak English is that they have a lot of time to answer and ask questions, and lack of vocabulary and grammar. And the last problem faced by students when repetition of learning after learning English is English and Indonesian is different, both of them do not like English. Still based on the journal, efforts to overcome difficulties faced by students are by reading a dictionary or searching on the internet, asking teachers, when at home students study with brothers or sisters also pray to God and ask from the family.

     The proper  English learning method to overcome these problems is the Grammar Translation Method (GTM), because in the Grammar Translation Method students learn about grammar as well as vocabulary in English. So when students find out about grammar, students will find it easier to speak English. Then make it a habit for students to listen to English songs, because if students like these more surely the students will listen and so students will practice speaking English through song lyrics even though the pronunciation is not right, the teacher's task here is to prove the incorrect pronunciation. Then the latter accustom students to speak English in front of the class, either by speech or by story telling. By speaking or telling stories in front of the class, students indirectly dare to speak English in front of the class.

Reference :

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

English learning methods

Learning Methods in Learning English ^-^

Learning method is one of the strategies or ways used by teachers in the learning process with the aim that the learning process goes well. There are many methods in learning English. However, here I will discuss 4 methods in learning English, which are as follows:

1.   Grammar Translation Method (GTM) 
    Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is a method that emphasizes grammar. Here the teacher will teach or explain learning material about grammar with formulas, then teach the grammar in writing, reading and vocabulary in English.

2.  Audio-Lingual Method
        Audio-Lingual Method is English learning methods where the teacher practices a short dialogue whose meaning or intent is not yet known by students. Then the teacher gives instructions to students to follow the short dialogue and students must guess the purpose of the dialogue based on dialogue poses, expressions, and other things practiced by the teacher.

3. Silent Way 
       In the learning process that uses the silent way method, the teacher points to a rod that has a vowel consonant. Then the teacher gives examples in their pronunciation and appoints students to pronounce them correctly. In this learning method the teacher does not explain much, and only direct the learning material.

4. Total Physical Response (TPR)
          In the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, the teacher does several activities. For example sitting, walking, holding the nose, or reading. Before the teacher does the activity, he or she gives orders to himself or herself with instructions in English. Then give orders to students with the same orders as before. Then in this case the teacher does not the activity, he or she only gives instructions.

                   Next, if I become a teacher later. God willing 😇, I will use several methods of learning English above. In the teaching and learning process, the first thing I want to use is the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Because, in my opinion the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) learning method is important where the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) method teaches how to grammar in English using formulas. But I don’t always want to use the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Might also be able to change every week or every two weeks with other methods such as Total Physical Response (TPR).

           Total Physical Response (TPR) is an English learning method but is more relaxed when compared to the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) learning method. The Total Physical Response (TPR) method makes students not too bored with the process of learning English in class, because the Total Physical Response (TPR) method is like learning while playing. 

                    I also want to practice the students’ listening and speaking skills with the Audio-Lingual Method learning. Listening to short dialogue helps train students’ listening abilities, as well as following or repeating dialogue spoken by the teacher, students learn to speak English, so they can practice their speaking skills. Maybe it’s some method that I want to use in the teaching and learning process later.

References :

Expression & Politeness are important for communication

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