Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Expression & Politeness are important for communication


          Expression is an expression or process that arises because of the result of an action, activity, or experience.  And politeness is how we communicate in showing respect to others.  In this article I will discuss why expression and politeness are very important in communicating, especially when communicating with people from different regions or even countries which have different characteristics and cultures from ours.

         Being polite is quite complicated in any language, difficult to notice because politeness does not only involve understanding language but also the social and cultural values ​​of certain societies.  In general, politeness involves participating in social harmony and avoiding social conflict.  To be more specific, politeness in terms of linguistics or communication is something that involves a discourse or language device that is interpreted or evaluated by others as being used to maintain harmonious relationships and avoid causing problems.  Adaptation sensitively to developing social relationships involved when being polite.

       Politeness is clearly the most characteristic feature of human behavior.  In politeness there is what is called negative politeness and positive politeness.  Negative politeness means being concerned about the other person's need not to be bullied or forced, the hallmarks of negative politeness are restraint, caution and contact.  Meanwhile, positive politeness relates to the human need for social inclusion and consent.  Negative politeness also means minimizing immodesty from offensive speech acts, and positive politeness means maximizing politeness from speech acts.  Speech functions are expressed differently in different communities.  Modesty involves understanding social values ​​which govern the way social dimensions such as status, solidarity and formality are expressed.

Holmes, J. (2013). An introduction to sociolinguistics. Harlow, Eng.: Longman.
(PDF) Politeness Strategy in Everyday Communication. (2020). Retrieved 22 December 2020, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283984132_Politeness_Strategy_in_Everyday_Communication

Monday, December 14, 2020

Dialect in Aceh Besar district


       Dialect is the language used by a certain group of people at a certain place or time.  Because of the dialect, sometimes there is often confusion, misunderstanding or misinterpretation between certain groups of people regarding word differences in their regions.  One of the factors causing dialect differences between regions is the geographical location or region of the user group.  In this article, I will discuss the dialects between the three sub-districts (Lhoknga District, Indrapuri District, and Krueng Raya District) in Aceh Besar District.

       Among the three sub-districts there are differences in pronunciation in terms of phonology, such as the words "nyoe" and "nyo", the words meseujit and meseujit.  Many of these word changes undergo changes at the beginning of the word or at the end of the word, while only a few have changed in the middle. There were also variations in morpheme changes in prefixes, confixes and infixes such as the words "meulampoh", "seumanoe", and "seumeujid".  There is the use of the same word among the three sub-districts, namely the use of the dialect or word crew, kamoe.  These changes occur due to changes in pronounced phonemes, variations in morphemes, differences and similarities in bases, duk pakat and le, which are often used in the Aceh Besar dialect.

       Barotö hane lônjak jadèh u rumoh jih.  Gare-gare nyan, jih pakèk beungèh keu lôn.  These sentences are examples of sentences in the Aceh language, Aceh Besar dialect or also known as variations of the Aceh language.  Aceh Besar has a dialect where almost all words ending in sa become to, for example meuratö, bahatö, limöng plôh tö.  And the peculiarity of the word in the use of the Aceh Besar dialect in these three districts is the use of the word pakèk which is accompanied by a noun, for example in pakèk undangan, pakèk basa, pakèk hinda, pakèk beungèh, pakèk poh, pakèk dhet.


     ANALISIS MAKNA DALAM RAGAM DIALEK LOKAL ACEH BESAR DALAM BAHASA ACEH. (2017). Eksplorasi Kekayaan Maritim Aceh Di Era Globalisasi Dalam Mewujudkan Indonesia Sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia , 1 , 158-162.

     Besar, B., & penulis :, P. (2020). Bahasa Aceh Dialek Aceh Besar - PORTALSATU.com. Diakses pada 14 Desember 2020, dari https://id.portalsatu.com/2012/12/bahasa-aceh-dialek-aceh-besar/

Monday, November 30, 2020

Language in Pakistan

 Mother Tongue, National Language and Official Language in Pakistan

       Mother tongue is the language that a person gets from birth, mother tongue is the first language that a person can master. The mother tongue is different from the national language. Where a person can speak the mother tongue and not necessarily the national language. Pakistan is a country located in South Asia. The national language of Pakistan is Urdu. Urdu is also proposed to be the official language in Pakistan along with English. One of the official languages ​​in Pakistan functions as the lingua franca, which is currently used is English. However urdu is only used by only about 7% of Pakistani people who use it as their first language, Urdu is widely used and understood as a second language by some Pakistani people and is used as the first language by urban Pakistani people.

         Urdu is widely used both formally and informally, for example it is used for private letters, public literature, in literature and in popular media. Urdu is used as a compulsory subject in all primary and secondary schools. Similar to Indonesia, Pakistan also consists of several regions, each of which has a different vernacular language, including: Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Saraiki and Balochi (majority languages in Pakistan) and Hindko, Brahui, Kashmiri, Burushaski, Kalash, Khowar, Shina and Balti (minority languages ​​in Pakistan).

       Furthermore, Urdu serves as the lingua franca in Pakistan. The Pakistani government considers that the need for English is not really needed by Pakistani people because it is difficult for Pakistani people to understand. In Pakistan, both English and Urdu are official languages, but the Pakistani government wants to replace English with Urdu as the only official language in Pakistan. However, some parents in Pakistan consider that the decision by the Pakistani government is a step backwards because parents in Pakistan consider English language skills can provide a greater opportunity for further higher education and employment.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Language Choice in Multilingual Communities

      In a multilingual communities, one does not only speak one language.  That is, someone who lives in a multilingual communities can speak or use a language of more than one language.  Because multi means a lot, so here there are many languages ​​used.  So that the person is considered to have a linguistic repertoire.  Linguistic repertoire means all kinds of languages ​​and all languages ​​that a person knows and speaks.  When a person interacts with other people, he/she must use the domain factor of language use, that is, he/she (someone) can use a code or language variation according to the participant or person spoken to, the topic and location.  Diglossia is where the spoken language communities uses two varieties (H variety and L variety) to cover the entire communities domain.

       Then, if in a situation where one uses more than two varieties or codes, or different varieties are used in distinguishable situations, it is known as polyglossia.  In addition, the choice of language in interacting is also determined by social distance, status, formality and function.  Code switching is a process where there is language transfer (back and forth languages) between one language and another in the same communication/interaction.  Situation change is one of the factors in the occurrence of situational code shift, while topic change is one of the factors in the occurrence of metaphorical code shift.

          Mastering many languages ​​is indeed an advantage for someone, because of his/her vast knowledge, but we must be good at placing situations, where we must be able to determine or adjust what language should be used in interacting with other people.  We must not arbitrarily use or change languages ​​in multilingual.  Because there are so many factors that we must understand in using multilingual.  As explained above, namely social distance, status, formality, function, situation/condition, and topic.  Let's learn to be wise in using multilingual ^^


https://wesakwela-wordpress-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/wesakwela.wordpress.com/2011/12/13/modul-sosiolinguistik/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16042989155131&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=Dari%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwesakwela.wordpress.com%2F2011%2F12%2F13%2Fmodul-sosiolinguistik%2F http://tefltere.blogspot.com/2009/05/language-choice-in-multilingual.html?m=1 

Member of the Group:

Aisyah Azahra
Claudia Louis Eunike Anes
Feby Milenia Titandanus
Widya Garini
Windi Melia Putri

Thursday, October 15, 2020


    You must already know and are familiar with the word sociolinguistics.  Sociolinguistics in English consists of the words "socio" and "linguistic".  According to Coates (1993: 4), sociolinguistics is a study that discusses the relationship between language use and social order (society).  Sociolinguistics studies or analyzes all aspects related to language and society.  Sociolinguistics as the study of language in its relation to social relations (society) results that sociolinguistics is part of linguistics (Hudson, 1980: 4).  Alwasilah (1990: 2) argues that sociolinguistics is used to examine all perspectives from language use that have a relationship with social functions and cultural functions.  The things at issue in sociolinguistics include: who speaks (writes), the variety of languages ​​(uses what language), when, and for what purpose (Pateda, 1987: 3).  Sociolinguistics is analyzing the relationship between language use and the social world, more specifically sociolinguistics studies how language processes in the social environment and creates social structures.

And in essence, sociolinguistics is a language study or language research that studies or discusses the relationship between language use and social (society) rules.

       Sociolinguistics estimates that social life has many patterns and behaviors associated with it and some of them are linguistic (Spolsky, 1998: 3).  Sociolinguistics estimates or assumes: 1) Each language has its own variety of languages ​​(has its own variations), 2) Has a dialect or accent that also varies, 3) the way people speak (human speech) also varies depending on who they speak or  communicating, 4) language has a very close relationship with social systems and social structures, and 5) language is a system that is closely related to the characteristics of its owner and also the sociocultural values ​​of its speakers.

         According to Hudson (1996), sociolinguistics shows how clusters in a particular society are separated by social variables such as religion, status, ethnicity, age, gender, and education level and how the compliance of these community groups to variables used to classify individuals in social class.  When we learn about language, we study it with all the problems related to language such as relationship style, users, time and socioculture.  That's why the phenomenon of sociolinguistics cannot be separated from the science that talks about teaching language.

        Sociolinguistics has three approaches: (1) de Saussure approach.  (2) the approach pioneered by William Labov which emphasizes language variation.  And (3) language attitudes.  There are two main studies on sociolinguistics, namely Micro sociolinguistics and Macro sociolinguistics.  in micro-sociolinguistics, his study is focused on the study of language phenomena in the social sphere which is denoted by micro-factors, and the context of interpersonal communication.  And Macro sociolinguistics discusses the phenomenon of sociolinguistics including population, broader variables, language distribution and others.


Abdurrahman. (2011). SOSIOLINGUISTIK: TEORI, PERAN, DAN  FUNGSINYA TERHADAP KAJIAN BAHASA SASTRA.  Lingua: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 3(1), 18-37. doi: 10.18860/ling.v3i1.571

Faizin HS, A. (2015). SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Mabasan, 9(2), 66-73.


Silberstein, S. (2018). Sociolinguistics. The Cambridge Guide To Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages, 100-106. doi: 10.1017/cbo9780511667206.015

Thank you for reading my writing, hopefully what I write can be useful for you^-^

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Ways to Improve Students' Writing Skills

       Writing skills are one's skills to produce written messages from words, into sentences, into text, into a whole where the reader can understand the meaning or purpose of the writer. Writing skills is one of the English language skills that is quite important. Because, writing in English requires a lot of knowledge about the rules in writing itself, it also depends on the text we are going to write. In English, there are many kinds of texts, such as descriptive text, narrative text, recount text, report text and others. Each text, has different writing rules. Writing is also an activity that involves an iterative process, and requires a long period of thought in making the initial concept. Therefore, writing skills in English are very important to be improved. There are several journal articles that discuss how to improve students' writing skills. First, according to Milatasari (2013), argues that the process of learning English, especially in writing skills based on inquiry, can improve students' writing skills. Inquiry-based learning can be applied by teachers in learning to write in English. And teachers get good feedback from students in using learning questions based on teaching writing.

       Second, based on Dewi (2013), explaining that using cartoon films can improve students' writing skills in writing narrative texts. Third, guided writing is one way that can improve students' writing skills. In this guided writing, the teacher directs and teaches students who have difficulty using correct grammar, difficulty in developing ideas while writing, and lack of vocabulary knowledge. So, with guided writing, students' writing skills can be improved (Aryningtyas, Susilohadi, and Sarosa, 2013). Furthermore, fourthly, Imastuti, Sujoko and Suparno (2014) suggested that the use of a series of images in teaching writing in English can improve students 'attitudes toward the writer's skills, and also can increase students' motivation and confidence in writing activities during the teaching and learning process.

       And the last or fifth, Nugraha, Susilohadi and Pudjobroto (2014), they use the four-square writing method as a way to improve students' writing skills. And they argue that the use of four-square writing method applied in teaching writing in English can improve students' writing skills. From various strategies, ways or methods used to improve writing skills in English. Everything is good, appropriate and can provide changes that improve students' writing skills in English. However, it should be noted that the application implemented must be appropriate at the educational level (such as junior high school or senior high school), student feedback after the application of the method, and school facilities and infrastructure that support the use of methods in learning to write in English. In essence, if we want to improve students' writing skills in English. The teacher must be willing to use interesting learning methods, tools, or media that are easy to understand by students and students' writing skills in English can be improved.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Writing Skills from Journal Articles (video)

Hello everyone
How are you all?
hopefully in good condition^^

This time, I will share a video from the results of my discussion Aisyah Azahra (1810631060248) with my friend Windi Melia Putri (1810631060148).
Incidentally, we both discussed about writing skills in English
Enjoy watching🙂

Thank you for your watching😊

Expression & Politeness are important for communication

            Expression is an expression or process that arises because of the result of an action, activity, or experience.  And politeness ...