Monday, November 30, 2020

Language in Pakistan

 Mother Tongue, National Language and Official Language in Pakistan

       Mother tongue is the language that a person gets from birth, mother tongue is the first language that a person can master. The mother tongue is different from the national language. Where a person can speak the mother tongue and not necessarily the national language. Pakistan is a country located in South Asia. The national language of Pakistan is Urdu. Urdu is also proposed to be the official language in Pakistan along with English. One of the official languages ​​in Pakistan functions as the lingua franca, which is currently used is English. However urdu is only used by only about 7% of Pakistani people who use it as their first language, Urdu is widely used and understood as a second language by some Pakistani people and is used as the first language by urban Pakistani people.

         Urdu is widely used both formally and informally, for example it is used for private letters, public literature, in literature and in popular media. Urdu is used as a compulsory subject in all primary and secondary schools. Similar to Indonesia, Pakistan also consists of several regions, each of which has a different vernacular language, including: Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Saraiki and Balochi (majority languages in Pakistan) and Hindko, Brahui, Kashmiri, Burushaski, Kalash, Khowar, Shina and Balti (minority languages ​​in Pakistan).

       Furthermore, Urdu serves as the lingua franca in Pakistan. The Pakistani government considers that the need for English is not really needed by Pakistani people because it is difficult for Pakistani people to understand. In Pakistan, both English and Urdu are official languages, but the Pakistani government wants to replace English with Urdu as the only official language in Pakistan. However, some parents in Pakistan consider that the decision by the Pakistani government is a step backwards because parents in Pakistan consider English language skills can provide a greater opportunity for further higher education and employment.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Language Choice in Multilingual Communities

      In a multilingual communities, one does not only speak one language.  That is, someone who lives in a multilingual communities can speak or use a language of more than one language.  Because multi means a lot, so here there are many languages ​​used.  So that the person is considered to have a linguistic repertoire.  Linguistic repertoire means all kinds of languages ​​and all languages ​​that a person knows and speaks.  When a person interacts with other people, he/she must use the domain factor of language use, that is, he/she (someone) can use a code or language variation according to the participant or person spoken to, the topic and location.  Diglossia is where the spoken language communities uses two varieties (H variety and L variety) to cover the entire communities domain.

       Then, if in a situation where one uses more than two varieties or codes, or different varieties are used in distinguishable situations, it is known as polyglossia.  In addition, the choice of language in interacting is also determined by social distance, status, formality and function.  Code switching is a process where there is language transfer (back and forth languages) between one language and another in the same communication/interaction.  Situation change is one of the factors in the occurrence of situational code shift, while topic change is one of the factors in the occurrence of metaphorical code shift.

          Mastering many languages ​​is indeed an advantage for someone, because of his/her vast knowledge, but we must be good at placing situations, where we must be able to determine or adjust what language should be used in interacting with other people.  We must not arbitrarily use or change languages ​​in multilingual.  Because there are so many factors that we must understand in using multilingual.  As explained above, namely social distance, status, formality, function, situation/condition, and topic.  Let's learn to be wise in using multilingual ^^


Member of the Group:

Aisyah Azahra
Claudia Louis Eunike Anes
Feby Milenia Titandanus
Widya Garini
Windi Melia Putri

Expression & Politeness are important for communication

            Expression is an expression or process that arises because of the result of an action, activity, or experience.  And politeness ...