Thursday, April 23, 2020


Ways to Improve Students' Writing Skills

       Writing skills are one's skills to produce written messages from words, into sentences, into text, into a whole where the reader can understand the meaning or purpose of the writer. Writing skills is one of the English language skills that is quite important. Because, writing in English requires a lot of knowledge about the rules in writing itself, it also depends on the text we are going to write. In English, there are many kinds of texts, such as descriptive text, narrative text, recount text, report text and others. Each text, has different writing rules. Writing is also an activity that involves an iterative process, and requires a long period of thought in making the initial concept. Therefore, writing skills in English are very important to be improved. There are several journal articles that discuss how to improve students' writing skills. First, according to Milatasari (2013), argues that the process of learning English, especially in writing skills based on inquiry, can improve students' writing skills. Inquiry-based learning can be applied by teachers in learning to write in English. And teachers get good feedback from students in using learning questions based on teaching writing.

       Second, based on Dewi (2013), explaining that using cartoon films can improve students' writing skills in writing narrative texts. Third, guided writing is one way that can improve students' writing skills. In this guided writing, the teacher directs and teaches students who have difficulty using correct grammar, difficulty in developing ideas while writing, and lack of vocabulary knowledge. So, with guided writing, students' writing skills can be improved (Aryningtyas, Susilohadi, and Sarosa, 2013). Furthermore, fourthly, Imastuti, Sujoko and Suparno (2014) suggested that the use of a series of images in teaching writing in English can improve students 'attitudes toward the writer's skills, and also can increase students' motivation and confidence in writing activities during the teaching and learning process.

       And the last or fifth, Nugraha, Susilohadi and Pudjobroto (2014), they use the four-square writing method as a way to improve students' writing skills. And they argue that the use of four-square writing method applied in teaching writing in English can improve students' writing skills. From various strategies, ways or methods used to improve writing skills in English. Everything is good, appropriate and can provide changes that improve students' writing skills in English. However, it should be noted that the application implemented must be appropriate at the educational level (such as junior high school or senior high school), student feedback after the application of the method, and school facilities and infrastructure that support the use of methods in learning to write in English. In essence, if we want to improve students' writing skills in English. The teacher must be willing to use interesting learning methods, tools, or media that are easy to understand by students and students' writing skills in English can be improved.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Writing Skills from Journal Articles (video)

Hello everyone
How are you all?
hopefully in good condition^^

This time, I will share a video from the results of my discussion Aisyah Azahra (1810631060248) with my friend Windi Melia Putri (1810631060148).
Incidentally, we both discussed about writing skills in English
Enjoy watching🙂

Thank you for your watching😊

Monday, April 6, 2020

Journal Articles about Writing Skills

Improving Students' in Writing through Inquiry based Learning

Journal articles written by Yuniati Ulfah Milatasari with the title Improving Students' in Writing through Inquiry based Learning published in 2013. This journal article aims to investigate whether the application of inquiry-based learning can improve students' writing abilities or not, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the application of inquiry-based learning. According to Sanjaya (2010: 196) inquiry-based learning is the arrangement of learning activities based on critical thinking and analysis to find and find solutions to problems. By using inquiry-based techniques, students can better understand the writing process. The subjects of this study were 39 students from class X, SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo. By using the action research method which means social site research in the field of education that uses the power of personal thought to identify problems and find solutions. This research also uses action research which uses two cycles, and each cycle consists of: planning, acting, observing and pondering. In collecting data, researchers use observations, questionnaires, interviews and tests. The results showed that the learning process based on inquiry can improve the ability of their writing skills. Inquiry-based learning can be applied by teachers in teaching writing in English. And the teacher receives a good response in using learning questions based on teaching writing.

The Use of Cartoon Films to Improve Students' Skill in Writing Narrative Text

Vivit Kumala Dewi in 2013, her journal article entitled The Use of Cartoon Films to Improve Students' Skill in Writing Narrative Text. Explain how to improve students' skills in writing narrative texts using media in the form of cartoons. The purpose of this study is to find out whether students' writing skills in writing narrative texts can be improved by using cartoon films, and to determine the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process when using cartoon films in teaching narrative texts. Writing will be able to help in mastering other skills and in mastering full English. Cartoons are considered as audiovisual media that can motivate students in learning English, especially in writing. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII B, SMP Negeri 1 Sidoharjo. The research method used was classroom action research. According to Cohen and Manion in Nunan (1992: 18), suggested that classroom action research is how researchers can identify and solve problems in certain environments. In collecting data, researchers used qualitative and quantitative data collection. Qualitative by describing the results of the study, while quantitative by comparing the results of the previous exam or pre-test with the results after the study or post-test. The results of the study show that students' skills in writing narrative texts have improved using cartoon films. While the results of quantitative research show that students have increased in post-test with the previous score of 70.66 increasing to 74.90.

Improving Students' Writing Skills by Using Guided Writing

The next journal article was written by Yeny Aryningtyas, Gunarso Susilohadi and Teguh Sarosa in 2013, entitled Improving Students' Writing Skills by Using Guided Writing. This journal article explains how to improve writing skills using guided writing and can increase student motivation. The purpose of this study is to find out whether guided writing can improve student writing skills and whether it can increase student motivation. In writing skills, sometimes students experience difficulties such as the correct use of grammar, difficulty in developing ideas when writing, and low student vocabulary mastery. The subject of this research is the second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Karanganyar, this study was conducted from August 2012 to October 2012 and the research method used was classroom action research, classroom action research conducted for teaching writing better than before in the learning process. The technique in collecting data in this study with qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data collection by collecting data, comparing data, building interpretations and collecting results. While quantitative data are collected by comparing the results of the average test scores before the study (pre-test) with the average scores after the study (post-test). And the results of the study showed that students experienced an increase in writing skills using guided writing. And quantitative data also shows an increase in the average value of students based on pre-test and post-test results.

Improving Students' Writing Ability in Narrative Text Using Picture Series

Journal article with the title Improving Students' Writing Ability in Narrative Text Using Picture Series written by Martias Wahyuning Imastuti, Sujoko and Suparno in 2014. This journal article discusses the use of picture series in learning to write narrative text writing activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the state or atmosphere of the class when the implementation of the implementation of the series of images in teaching writing and to find out the improvement of students' abilities in writing skills in writing narrative texts using picture series. An explanation of writing ability is one's ability to produce written messages from words, into sentences, into text, into a whole where the reader can understand their meaning or intent. The subjects of this study were twenty four class VIII A SMP Negeri 2 Ampel Boyolali. The method used is classroom action research, where researchers use observation techniques and not observation in collecting data. Data collection using quantitative data is to compare the results of pre-test with post-test results. And the results of this study show that using a series of images in teaching writing can improve students' attitudes towards writing skills and also increase students' motivation and confidence in writing activities during the teaching and learning process by comparing the results of students' average scores, namely pre-test scores 70.2 and post-test results 70.68.

The Use of Four Square Writing Methods to Improve Students' Writing Skills

Arifin Wahyu Setyo Nugraha, Gunarso Susilohadi and A. Handoko Pudjobroto, in their journal article entitled The Use of Four Square Writing Methods to Improve Students' Writing Skills, in 2014. This journal article describes the use of the four square writing method in improving students' writing skills. This journal article aims to find out whether the use of the four square writing method can improve students' writing abilities and to determine student motivation when the four square writing method is implemented in class. Writing is a skill that is quite difficult and according to Harris (1993: 10), writing is an activity involving an iterative process, requiring a long period of thought in making the initial concept. The subjects of this study were twenty-four seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Banjarejo. The method used is classroom action research. This study uses qualitative and quantitative data in its data collection techniques. Qualitative data by observing, questionnaire and interview, while quantitative data by comparing the results of pre-test with post-test. The results of this study are the four square writing method implemented in teaching writing can improve students' writing skills. Also supported by the results of quantitative data, the mean score of the pre-test was 50.65, while the average post-test score was 73.42.

Expression & Politeness are important for communication

            Expression is an expression or process that arises because of the result of an action, activity, or experience.  And politeness ...